Oak Orchard Health Blog
Welcome to our blog! Each of these posts are written by one of our providers at Oak Orchard Health and focus on various topics related to health and wellness. We hope you find these tips and nuggets of wisdom helpful.

Opioid addiction: The road to recovery
When people think of substance use, they typically associate it with having fun and feeling good, however, once an individual crosses over to a state of physical and psychological dependency on that substance, they’re no longer chasing a high—they’re avoiding the agony of withdrawal

Shortage of Dental Hygienists is Nationwide
Having trouble getting a dental appointment? It's not just you. This is a nationwide problem.

Why and when should adults have routine eye exams? Dry Eye? Bifocals?
Maybe you’ve never worn glasses or contacts, but your eyes do change as you get older. Are your eyes dryer? Forty seems to be a magic number when bifocals may be needed. And of course, cataracts are common as you get older. How can you prevent vision problems?

How can you pay for your health care? We have options.
There are many ways to pay for healthcare and we are here to help. Oak Orchard Health strives to make it simple for you.

Dedication to Patient Care is Rewarded by the Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission.
Oak Orchard Health (OOH) has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Ambulatory Care and ...

Breast Cancer: Can you prevent it?
Breast Cancer: Can you prevent it?
Oak Orchard Health Launches Television Campaign
Oak Orchard Health launched its television campaign on Spectrum. OOH will be sponsoring Weather on the ones and running spots on the News and other appropriate programming.

Diabetes: Whether you have it or not, here are some helpful nutrition and lifestyle tips!
Diabetes: Whether you have it or not, here are some helpful nutrition and lifestyle tips!

WIC: What is it? Who’s it for? Surprising facts.
From healthy essential foods to breastfeeding support to tasty recipes and tips for keeping kids healthy and active, WIC offers a whole lot more than you may realize.

New Mommy and Me Program helps New Mothers with Postpartum Depression
The Mommy and Me Program breaks down the barriers to treating postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, such as depression, panic disorders, and much more. We want you to know that this is common and very treatable.

Ladies, it’s time to think about your health!
Women tend to be the caregivers in families, whether they’re caring for their parents or their children and significant others, but they often ignore their own health. It’s important that they take time for themselves which is why I’m dedicating this article to that topic.

Healthy Eating: The Family Approach
Written by Maria E. Adams, MD