Julie Solis, LMHC, Behavioral Health Therapist
Julie chose a medical career to provide mental and behavioral health support and services to adults, families, children, and adolescents, as she saw a rising need in the world and her community. Her areas of specialty include working with children and adolescents, individuals with disabilities, ESL patients, parenting, and family health. Her personal and past employment experiences influenced her to support people with special needs, children, adolescents, and families.
Julie was born and raised in this community and has chosen to work within this community for most of her professional career. It is important to her to be a part of the services in this rural area. She has been a longtime patient of Oak Orchard Health so she has been a witness to the consistent focus on collaborative care and Oak Orchard’s mission to provide patients with a variety of health services within one health center.
When Julie isn’t working she is spending time with herchildren and grandchildren, camping, kayaking, watching football (Go Bills!) and vacationing/exploring with my partner.