Patient Engagement Services

The resources you need. The care you deserve.

Oak Orchard Health understands the health care needs of people who live and work in our region because we’ve been caring for the community for more than 50 years. 

We also know how to make sure every patient is fully empowered to make the most of the services available to them. We can:

  • Screen for high blood pressure, high blood sugar, colorectal cancer, and HIV.
  • Assess complaints such as back pain, indigestion, and athlete’s foot.
  • Provide appropriate health care for minor injuries and illnesses right in the field.
  • Arrange for patients to get more comprehensive medical care in our office locations.
  • Assist with translation, transportation, and understand insurance and sliding scale payment plans.

Our patient engagement team is here to answer questions, point patients in the right direction, and encourage them to get health screenings to catch health problems early.


  • Case management
  • Health education
  • Explain community resources, from insurance to financial assistance to food, clothing, shelter, etc.
  • Spanish-English interpretation
  • Transportation


Primary Care


Behavioral Health

Our team has licensed psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors who can help adult, child, and teen patients with problems like depression, anxiety, stress, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Dental Care

We offer dental care to children and adults at our Warsaw, Brockport, and Hornell locations, as well as on our Mobile Dental Unit. We focus on preventing dental disease by educating patients. And we can also restore and enhance the natural beauty of your smile.


Diabetic Education and Nutrition Counseling

Get one-on-one support, education, and self-management skills to live your healthiest life through our program, recognized by the American Association of Diabetes Educators.

Patient Engagement Services

Sometimes issues like lack of food or housing, unemployment, or language barriers affect patients’ health. Our Patient Engagement team can connect you to the resources you need to get the health care you deserve.


Agricultural Workers

We’re here for agricultural workers who often face problems getting high-quality health care. Some lack transportation. Some are coping with language barriers. And many can’t afford to miss work for fear of losing their jobs. Oak Orchard offers a range of specialty services to help patients find their way through the health system with more comfort and less stress.


WIC Program

The Oak Orchard Health WIC Program provides eligible families with breastfeeding support, nutrition counseling, health education, health care referrals, referrals to other services, and nutritious foods.


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