Cynda Watroba, Secretary
Cynda Watroba is a fiber artist and art quilter and began making high-quality cloth masks for Oak Orchard Health early in the Covid-19 epidemic as a practical way to do good and give back. Joining the OOH Board was a logical next step toward continued advocacy and service. She believes in grassroots solutions and open, ongoing relationships with the entire community.
She is a member of several local LGBTQ+ organizations, working toward dignity, respect, and equitable solutions, especially for vulnerable LGBTQ+ youth and seniors. She and her wife have been together for 40 years and are both patients of Oak Orchard Health. As a disabled person with two chronic pre-existing conditions, she knows the challenges of obtaining and keeping excellent health care.
Cynda has a BS in English from SUNY Brockport and an ADR certification from Cornell ILR in Extension, both earned as an adult student. She is retired and was a 25+ year union steward. She puts into practice the belief that “there is always hope and work towards inclusion and equity for all.”